Sunday, March 4, 2007

mY rEfLeCtIoN oN cArEeR fAiR

In Singapore, there was a career fair organised in a place called Suntec City.We went for this this fair on the 2nd of march 2007,Friday.The main purpose of going there was to decide what our ambition was going to be and also to see the qualifications,responsibilities,job scope and if the job will still be there until the next decade.To be a teacher,my qualification required is to have a university degree,polytechnic diploma with five o-level passes including English and maths and at least a 65-69 for English.My job scope is,first a classroom teacher,subject head or level head,head of department,vice-principal,principal,cluster superintendent,deputy director,director and lastly director-general of education.For the question about if the job will tell last until the next decade,it was a yes.I asked a teacher at the fair why was it so,she said that if there are no teachers,there will be no doctors,lawyers and etc.I got puzzled and asked her why was it so again,she replied 'if there are no teachers,how will the doctors or lawyers study to become a doctor or a lawyer?'.I then realised that i chose a very good ambition and strive to attain it.After going for the event i realised that i gained a lot of knowledge about careers in Singapore.I think the fair was very useful for everyone in Singapore, especially for the students and people finding for jobs.=)


Yukari said...

Hello. I thought, education of Singapore is so high level. Please tell me more!

Yukari said...

Sorry. I forgot writing place of my blog. Please come here: 1-c number34. There is a picture of big cat on my blog.